This school year is coming to an end. Summer is just around the corner and many fun adventures will await! With the school year coming to an end and summer coming, it is not too early to start thinking about service hours for next year. Here are some things you can do to accomplish your next year of service hours!
Altar Serving
Why is this an important way to earn service hours? Well, because of many reasons. One of these reasons is you get to hang out with people, though being quiet most of the time. Every time you serve, you always have a good or funny memory that happened. The most important thing is that being an altar server can increase your faith and lead you closer to God!

Babysitting is a good way for those to earn service hours for those who like hanging out with younger kids. Babysitting teaches a good life skill of caring for others. It can teach how to handle solutions that you might need to handle when you get older. Babysitting is a good way to earn service hours, because you can learn a lot of valuable lessons that you will need throughout your life.
Pick Up Trash
Keeping the Earth clean! This project can be with people or no people. You can host your own trash walk, or join another person’s trash walk group! Or if you don’t feel like hanging out with other people, there is another way. You can walk by yourself and pick up trash where you like to be the most. This can be your neighborhood, a park, a trail, or even just the sidewalk. This is a great way to earn service hours because you are supporting your community but you are also keeping the environment and the Earth clean!
Volunteer at Summer Camp
This is another way to earn service hours. Volunteering at a summer camp is a great way to volunteer while enjoying your summer outdoors. At summer camps there are kids younger than you. Then there might be people in their teens, just like you! Summer camp is also a great opportunity to have fun, but also be a responsible teenager looking out for those younger than you by taking charge of the younger kids in your camp “group”. Summer Camp is a great way to experience outdoors during summer while earning service hours.
Volunteer at the Zoo
Do you like working with animals? Well if you do this next option is the best place for you! Volunteering at a local zoo can be a magical adventure awaiting! You have to talk to a few people if you volunteer as the gift shop person or popcorn booth, or anywhere else where people are selling items. Or you can just talk to the animals if you want. There are so many adventurers that await at the zoo!
Summer is coming. Along with summer comes all different types of opportunities to fulfill your service hours for next year! Those listed here are only a few out of the thousands of service hour opportunities! You can choose anything you like! Just remember to choose the one that fits you and your personal interest, so you can enjoy your summer while earning service hours!