At Mercy High School, near the end of every year, we spend a week raising money for a worthy cause. Every year is a different mission chosen by the Student Council members. This year’s mission is to raise money for those who don’t have the opportunity to go to school. We at Mercy High School call this week “Mission Week”.
So what is Mission Week? Mission week is a week where students can help support the mission by participating in activities or purchasing food or items where the proceeds go towards the mission. Every year has different activities that students can do to support the mission.
Students can purchase a wristband that gives you an out of uniform pass every day of Mission Week. This year students also could buy a pizza ticket to enjoy on the Friday of Mission Week. Students can participate in many activities during Mission Week.
One of these activities is the Penny Wars. In this activity the Student Council has eight buckets out on a cafeteria table. Each grade has one bucket for their pennies, and another bucket so the other classes can put the silver coins or dollars in to bring down the other classes points brought in by the pennies. So every lunch period you can support your class, or bring the other classes down, and still be supporting the mission. For the Penny Wars right now the freshmen are in first place!
Another activity that students can participate in is Siesta. Siesta is Mercy’s final way to raise money on Friday afternoon. During Siesta students can visit all these different types of “booths” or different things you can pay to do. One of these things is to pay to put someone in “jail”. Another activity is buying raffle tickets for fun prizes. At the end of the week is a school dance called the Glow Dance. It costs five dollars to get in. Then the rest of the time you get to have fun dancing!
There are many other different activities like dodgeball and coming and supporting Mercy soccer and tennis teams.
Mercy has a lot of activities for the students to participate in during Mission Week. Mercy puts a lot of effort into every mission. We have put a lot of effort into this one, and so it looks like we have a successful Mission Week.
Thanks to all those who donated extra time to make this Mission Week an amazing experience!!