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A Big Step Into a Sisterhood

Everyone’s transition from middle school at high school is always a big step. Everything is so new and different. There are so many new faces, and a new building you need to learn your way around. Even coming from a private elementary school to a private high school was a big jump. Mercy High School found a way to make that transition as smooth and easy as possible. The minute I walked in on my first day I felt welcome and at home.

The first day we were welcomed by upperclassman cheering us on and a smiling group of faculty ready to help us out whenever we needed it. Coming from a K-8 school, the class sizes were also a shock. With the smaller class sizes I feel that we can easily get direct help if we need it and we can really be ourselves. The other students become close friends really fast and I really feel as if I joined a sisterhood. 

Mercy does a fantastic job at making everyone feel accepted and welcome and they seem to have a club or activity for everyone and any interest. Not only is there a club or activity, but a group of people that share that interest. Mercy is filled with many unique people. Not one girl is the exact same as another. 

Mercy was also a great new experience because of the fun traditions. There always seems to be a celebration for something going on. There is never a dull moment. The relationships with teachers and student is also very cool to see and experience. The teachers know how to relate to the students and make each feel super special. Each class we are greeted with a smile and a teacher excited to teach us. 

Katie Hill
Lover of music and the Lorax.
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