Mercy High School has a variety of personalities throughout the school, but no one is ever quite like Emily Kwapnioski. She is very interested in being an author as well as a possible journalist and is also a huge bookworm. She loves fictional literature in all its formats. She loves Lord of the Rings as well as the Percy Jackson series, but she will read any book she wants.
In the realm of writing books there can be a lot of competition, but fantasy is always the way to go according to Kwapnioski. One of her favorite things to do is to write what she wants, in the context of fantasy. “I have always loved fantasy, so I love to write fantasy.” Kwapnioski states. She is currently writing two books, both based on the themes of Lord of the Rings and Series of Unfortunate Events. One of her biggest inspirations is the author of Lord of the Rings J. R. R. Tolkien.
One fun fact about Kwapnioski is that she never knew how to tie her shoes until she was in seventh grade! She had worn velcro shoes until then, despite playing sports like soccer where she wore tied shoes. When asked about it she mentioned that she always had someone do it for her. Overall Emily Kwapnioski is someone so bright and beautiful and is a true asset to Mercy High School.