On Monday January 10, 2022 Pa “Prom Announcement” occurred. Due to Covid last year we were not able to do a proper PA in person. This year, the juniors were able to perform live with masks, which means they were able to continue all of the traditions of PA without any interferences. To get the ball rolling, the junior class had to vote two people as the directors of the play. The directors were best friends, Hailee Davis and Bella Earl.
Bella and Hailee both suggested that they do a play based on the movie and board game “Clue”. Everyone ended up loving that idea so it was agreed upon. They started their practices in early November, casting the leads: Ava Coniglio, Sydney Crampton, Carly Evans, Tegan Geho, Natalia Madej, Kailey Martinec, Abby Mills, and Rose Wallich.
Sadly, things did not run smoothly a week before the play when one of the leads, Rose Wallich, was sent home because of Covid exposure. She had to have her understudy Jessica cheblinski go on for her. Jessica made the play just as perfect!
The play had many very funny parts. People danced with pretend “dead” bodies and a wreath fell off a door when it swung open. Carly Evans, who played Mr. Green, said, “The funniest part of the play was Syd’s accent and how many times the props would break. My favorite part of being in the play was just being able to have fun on stage. I got to drag a ‘dead’ body and play a role that I was fond of. It was very fun to hang out with my classmates, especially since the play was unique in the sense that it was more mysterious which was fun to act. It didn’t take me long. Outside of our practices, I probably got to memorize them three different times. If you’re wondering when I had my lines memorized, it was probably a week before the performance, but that’s because I didn’t really practice over Christmas Break.”