This coming week, Mercy High School will be participating in our annual Mission Week. This year Mercy is working with an organization called the Arise Foundation to help tea workers get the proper resources and protection they need. This foundation largely focuses on helping people involved in human trafficking and slavery. The Sisters of Mercy have partnered with this foundation to help tea workers who don’t have the proper supplies to keep themselves and us safe.
Here at Mercy we focus a lot on “a comfortable cup of tea”, but have you ever thought about where that cup of tea comes from? Through this pandemic many tea workers have been out of jobs and have been lacking supplies to protect themselves and their families from Covid-19. Many of these workers have had trouble protecting their families because they can’t afford food, masks and other supplies. However they are also not presented with a lot of information. Often times these workers are getting sick or losing jobs because they do not have enough information to keep themselves and others safe.
As a faith community we must all step up and realize how we can help these people. Luckily Mercy is giving us a whole week to do so by donating in various auctions and different events. We believe we must help other people who are in need and that “their humanity should be over our comforbili-TEA” and that we should do all we can to work towards making our mission happen. Even if we can’t do a lot, we must do all we can to serve others before ourselves.