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New Valentine’s Look

Valentine’s Day this year might look a little different because the Covid-19 pandemic. Whether you have a date or not, this day can still be fun and relaxing. However, your plans may have to change a little during this pandemic.

If you do have a date, we have some ideas for a “stay home” date. Take a trip to the grocery store. Pick up some snacks. Pick out a movie. Have a movie and game night.

Treat Yourself

If you don’t have a date, however, Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be spent alone. Ask a friend or family member to hang out with and play games. Don’t shy away from treating yourself with some chocolate, candy, or whatever you like! 

While doing all of this please don’t forget to stay safe. We ask you to remember that we are still in a pandemic and need to take precautions. Don’t forget to wear a mask, social distance, and take care of yourself. If you have been exposed or don’t feel well, stay home.

Please track your health and STAY SAFE!

Aly Daniels
Freshman FBLA Operation Others Volleyball
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