If a student needs study tips, a little help on homework, or just to talk to somebody, the Academic Success Center(ASC) is a great resource in the Mercy community. This newly renovated space has many opportunities available throughout the school day.
The ASC offers tutors during study halls for extra help. Additionally, it has two counselors available before, during, and after school for any troubles that arise or if you just need someone to talk to.
In the ASC, you will find Mrs. Klein. She is there to make sure academics run smoothly and students get the help they need. There are many ways students can find this academic success. For example, students may be assigned to a tutor, take some tests in the ASC, and many other things. One of the great things about this space is that the staff wants to help the students individually and tailor an educational plan that fits them.

Additionally, the Mercy faculty includes two school counselors. Mrs. Powers and Mrs. Driml-Powers. Both have offices for one-on-one interactions with students. These counselors make it clear throughout the school year that they are willing to help students as much as they can.
Last, Ms. Davis is Mercy’s English Language Learner (ELL) Coordinator. She plays a big role in making our Spanish speaking families feel welcome. Also, she helps students from Spanish speaking families adjust to their classes.
Whether it is relationship problems, grades, or just needing to talk to, someone this staff will always be there to help. These things all make the ASC a great resource for Mercy girls.