On May 10th 2019, Netflix released yet another original series. This series is titled “The Society” which revolves around a group of teenagers who are forced to start their own society.
The show opens with this group preparing for a camping field trip. However, soon after leaving they are brought home because of a severe thunderstorm. After the busses quickly drop them off and leave, the group discovers that they are completely alone. Everything about their small town in which they live is the same, yet not one single person is there.
Dark truths begin to unravel as we become more familiar with the characters. I find that this is a show where one can easily fall in love with who they meet as the plot unfolds. We get to know characters like Grizz, the friendly jock; Ally, the natural leader; and Campbell; the psychopath.
This show is a perfect combination of suspense, drama, romance, and a tad of humor. While watching, I couldn’t help but come up with many theories in my head. The plot gets the viewers to ask questions. Why? How? What?
As I watched the plot play out, with kids my age figuring out how to ration food, keep people safe, provide shelter, give medical care, impart justice; It was often that I found myself asking, “where would I be in this situation?”
I would recommend this show to just about anyone. It’s a perfect binge, as no one will want to take many breaks while watching. Every episode ends with a feeling of confusion and need for more.
I’ve always appreciated shows that get me thinking, and The Society is definitely one of them. If you want to watch a beautifully written series that will get you questioning many aspects of your life, hop on Netflix and watch The Society.