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Service Trip Opportunities

Serving our communities is one of the most important lessons Mercy teaches its students. Mrs. Miller, Campus Minister, shares many service opportunities around the Omaha metro, as well as two service trips.

The two service trips offered at Mercy include a trip to Misericordia in Chicago and a trip to the Dominican Republic.

These two trips provide an incredible experience for students and faculty at Mercy. Mrs. Miller says, “Girls get to be in community with people who live in a different way than they do, whether that be people who have different abilities or disabilities, where they live, or their family’s economic backgrounds.”

Service trips are different than other trips, but Mrs. Miller says, “Anytime you can go somewhere new outside of your comfort zone is a benefit to you, but when you do it in the mindset of service, there is a different experience.”

While all service is important, local service differs from service elsewhere because, “it puts you out of your comfort zone and allows you to experience a different part of our country or a different part of our world than what students are used to, which adds an additional element”, says Miller. 

In addition to the great benefits students receive, the work offered gives people a sense of pride in our world. As Miller reflects, “Any service done is always received with such gratitude and humility, but also more importantly that students who go and fully give themselves to service receive so much more than they’re ever able to give to the people they’re serving.”

Misericordia and the Dominican Republic are vastly different experiences, but each one leaves students and faculty who attend the trip and those affected by their generosity feeling so much love and support. These service opportunities are a great way for students to learn about the world and people around them.

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