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The Week Ahead: Week of 10/21

Take a look at what’s happening at Mercy for the week of October 21.

Monday, October 22

Apply2College Day! From 9:30 to 11 a.m., seniors will be able to meet with college representatives and the counselors to fill out applications and to learn more about the college planning process. 

Tuesday, October 23

The newly renovated science labs will be dedicated from 7:30 to 9:30. Later, the freshman, JV, and Varsity volleyball teams have games at Ashland-Greenwood. The Mock Trial team will also be competing at the Douglas County Courthouse at 4:30. Go Monarchs!

Wednesday, October 24

Late start for a faculty meeting; bagels will be sold before school. Briar Cliff University will be visiting at 1:40 p.m., and Northwest Missouri State will be visiting at 2 p.m. See the counselors to get a pass.

Thursday, October 25

The Mock Trial team will compete at the Douglas County Courthouse at 4:30. It’s fall sports senior night! The volleyball teams will be playing against Gross at 4:30, 5:30, & 6:30. To add to the excitement of these games, we will be honoring the senior volleyball players, cheerleaders, cross country runners, and softball players between games for their contributions to their teams. 

Friday, October 26

It’s time for Mercy theatre to ‘break a leg;’ their production of Alice in Wonderland debuts at 7 pm!

Claire Fink
I’m a senior who loves art and Fazoli’s
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