I’m a freshman and I have been at Mercy for about a year, but I have some advice for the class of 2022 and maybe some of you freshmen right now!
1. Don’t be embarrassed or nervous to try something new. There is going to be a ton of other girls in the same position as you, so don’t be embarrassed–nobody’s going to judge you!
2. Get involved! You’re going to hear this a lot when you get to Mercy and they’re right: If you get involved, your high school years will be so much more fun!
3. Don’t be afraid to participate. Participating in class will show your teachers you are ready to learn and get good grades.
4. Make new friends! When you get to high school you want to keep your old friends, but also go talk to someone new and don’t be afraid to change lunch tables.
5. Study. Study. Study. Trust me when I say that you don’t want to cram for a test the night before. Just look over your notes for 5 minutes every night and you will pass with flying colors!
6. Prioritize! You have a paper due tomorrow and you haven’t started, but the new “New Girl” series just came out on Netflix and you just have to watch it. No! Do the paper. “New Girl” will be there after you’re done, trust me!
7. Stay organized. You want to stay organized because it makes everything a lot easier to take care of and it helps you keep track of everything.
8. Ask questions/ ask for help. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! More than likely someone else has the same question.
9. Be prepared. Make an emergency kit and put it in your locker (make sure to put extra money and gum in there)! Also keep an extra jacket in there because trust me, one of these days you’ll need it!
10. And last but not least, enjoy your time in high school! I know I’m only a freshman, but this year went by fast! I can’t believe that in a few months I’ll be a sophomore. Take it from me, just enjoy it and don’t get caught up in the little things.
Thank you for reading my blog, I hope this helps you incoming freshmen and maybe some of you who just can’t quite grasp high school.
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