Convergence of Media has been a new class as of of the 2016-2017 school year. In this class students learn the importance of combining creativity with new technology to run the new online school newspaper.
Mr. Paul Tschudin and Mrs. Amy Klein started teaching the class in the fall for the first time. Mrs. Klein says that Mr. T. decided to start this class because our school needed an online presence that is mostly student driven. He met with the school principal, Sarah Regan, who agreed with his proposal. They looked at high school websites all around the country for inspiration and how other schools worked with an online newspaper. Mercy was in need of more technology credit options for students, and this seemed like the perfect solution.
Convergence of Media helps students understand the values of responsibility and time management with upcoming assignments. According to Mrs. Klein, this class has been a building process with the hope to have multiple sections instead of just one to take more pressure off the students in the class as well as add more creativity and diversity. Some students may feel that Convergence of Media is a lot of work, but don’t let that discourage you from choosing this class. It depends on the individual’s daily classes and work load along with extracurricular activities to decide whether or not they should enroll, because it requires time outside of class to finish projects.
Leadership positions from the students helps promote all the students to go out of their comfort zone and try new projects. This year the editors took the responsibility of managing the website, posting all the projects on social media, directing individual meetings and class meetings. Katie Campbell, one of the editors, says “There is a lot more that comes along with being an editor than just the title. One may think being an editor is an easier job due to the smaller amount of projects they are assigned compared to the rest of the class, but there is much more to our job than that. We are responsible in making sure that people’s projects are revised and posted, and that the website and twitter page are up to date. We lead meetings and help the class brainstorm ideas for their future projects. Being an editor is a fun job and gives you the opportunity to have a role as a leader.”
On behalf of Katie Campbell, my 2017 co-editor, I encourage all Mercy students to try Convergence of Media!