Hosted by St. Pat’s in Elkhorn and ultimately organized by Alex Zimmerman, URLVD is a weekend retreat for high schoolers wanting to deepen their faith. Registration for the summer 2024 retreat is open right now; scan the QR code on the attached flier or click on the link at the
Cheerleading Tryouts
In recent years, Mercy Cheerleading has gained much popularity. Each year, more and more girls attend tryouts with the hopes of becoming a member of the team. This year, more than forty prospective cheerleaders signed up for tryouts. Mrs. Powers, the cheerleading coach, began planning for tryouts over a month
Prom Review with Maggie Barta
The Nail Artist of Mercy High School
FBLA State Recap
When opening sessions began, the air was alive with the hope that the three days spent in the convention center would be successful and productive. Hundreds of students from the state of Nebraska traveled to Kearney for State FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) called SLC (State Leadership Conference). Wearing
Why You Should Watch Cabrini!
Best Class of the Week: Anatomy and Physiology
Hands-on activities, statistically, are the best way for most to learn. At Mercy, our science department is very good at doing that. Starting freshman year students get the opportunity to learn Biology, Anatomy, Chemistry, and other science classes that prepare students for college and STEM careers in the future. One