With the closing of Earth Day there have been some great announcements of improvement around the world such as finding new and healthy coral reefs and students now being educated on how to take care of our planet. As we go into these topics we will look at how these have helped our Earth and the animals and environments these projects have impacted.
The New Galapagos Coral Reef

Recently discovered beneath the Galapagos Marine Reserve, this new coral reef is very unique in the way that it was found. The reef itself is about 1.2 miles long and is mainly untouched by humans, which for coral reefs is very important and unlikely for the current world. Most researchers that have investigated this new reef say that it is a multitude of ancient layers of coral with a fresh layer on top. Another reason why this was such an astonishing discovery was because the coral top was live coral, which is not average for most coral reefs. Since this discovery there has been talk of making this area a new marine protected area to preserve as much live coral they can. This is an amazing Earth Day discovery and is a project to keep checking in on.
Earth Education in School
Being one of the most undermined ways to help with climate change, climate education is coming back with Earth Day 2023. This new education plan is set in the format of 5 pillars that help prepare current and future generations for the climate change and how to help fix it. With help from the Educational International Manifesto the five pillars were implemented into the education systems that have permitted it to be taught in schools. These five pillars are; include the government into the topics to make sure the climate literacy is being accomplished within law, all of the coursework is based on science, addressing all the points of what can cause and improve climate change, hire well trained and equipped teachers, and change the schools and their environments to support climate literacy. Despite this amazingly formatted plan most countries have not implemented it yet, but only time will tell. This is definitely something to look forward to when it comes to climate education!
With all these sad things we see happening to our planet every day, especially around Earth Day, it can be hard to remember that people are helping and doing some good around the world. Unfortunately, the process can be a bit slow, but slow is still something happening! These two stories show a great example of how good work is being done before, during, and after Earth Day.