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Best Class of the week – 8th Period Dance

The award for best class of the week goes to 8th period Beginning Dance. Throughout the second semester, 8th period Dance, along with the other dance classes, have been working hard in preparation for our upcoming performance on May 7th. Together, Beginning Dance will perform one whole group dance, a small group dance, and a few eight-counts in the finale. We are thrilled to show off what we have learned this year!

Dress Rehearsal/Concert Schedule

During the first semester Mrs. Kilpatrick guided us through four styles of dance; ballet, modern, jazz, and hip-hop. We all got to explore each style, and get comfortable with new dance techniques and terminology. Everyone had different experiences and skills which made the class both challenging and fun! On Fridays we were encouraged to choreograph a few eight counts to our favorite style, in preparation for what was to come in the second semester. 

When the second semester arrived, we were all overjoyed to find out that all the dance classes would put on a performance towards the end of the year. We have spent the last few months working on our whole class dance as well as our small group dances and finale. All the skills we acquired in the first semester are put to work with choreographing and learning our new dances. This week is extra special since we are finalizing everything. 

Mrs. Kilpatrick reviews choreography with class

This week is extra special since we are finalizing everything. All the choreography, costumes, and dates were set in stone. Each day we run and modify all three pieces and end the period with a showcase. I have especially enjoyed this week because we are dancing opposite of the mirrors which is a sign of the progress we have made. Mrs. Kilpatrick has been very supportive and a large help in giving tips and advice. She encourages us to work hard and clean up our dances so we will be performance ready. She has been a wonderful instructor and made our dance class a fun experience.

The performance will take place on May 7th at 6:00pm in Franey Hall. Before the show all the classes will have a dress rehearsal at 3pm. Everyone has worked extremely hard and is excited to perform in front of a real audience! 

Rae Barton
J. Cole's biggest fan
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