The outbreak of Covid-19 has changed a lot of things for a lot of people. One of the biggest changes has been the school system. In the beginning of the pandemic, students went full remote by doing online learning tasks and zooming once a week for each class. Students had open schedules to sleep in and basically go to school at their own pace.
After many months of online learning and summer vacation, faulty, staff and districts had to decide what the best method of schooling would be for students in the fall. For Mercy High School, that meant hybrid learning. A-L students were in the building Monday and Thursday with M-Z in the building Tuesday and Friday. If you were not in the building you were zooming with everyone at home on Wednesdays. Faulty, staff, and students successfully made their way through the first semester, but now it’s time for a change. For the first time in almost ten months, everyone will be back in the building and hopefully it will last.
Mercy High School attempted full attendance one day in the fall. After the Covid cases continued to rise and the unrest of students, faculty quickly decided that they would go back to hybrid the following day. Although students were sad and wondered if they would ever return to full attendance again, it was the best choice for the safety of everyone at the school. Now after revisiting the subject and idea of full attendance, Mercy High School will once again give it another go! The Covid cases in the area as well as in the school have remained low for a period of time and it seems that it may be safe to come together again. This time around, the attitude is a lot more positive. Some students feel with the earlier attempt in the fall that teachers are now more equipped to teach safely. Although there is some morning grogginess and worries, Mercy will continue to keep everyone’s best interest in mind.
Classrooms for the most part have allowed students to still remain distanced and safe. Everyone is required to wear their masks and will receive punishment if that is not being followed. Students will only eat four to a table in the cafeteria or six feet apart in the lunch rooms of their choice. Mandatory contact tracing and quarantining is preformed if needed. Students, faculty and staff have and will continue to work together to keep everyone safe and rock out the final semester of this school year!