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A Lost Season

Because of coronavirus, many athletes across the United States have lost their spring season. Spring is one of the biggest seasons because of popular sports like baseball and soccer. The sports we often don’t praise as much are track and field, tennis, and lacrosse. Many athletes who play these sports were looking forward to their season, but coronavirus put a stop to all of it.

baseball players celebrating

I asked athletes from around Omaha how they felt knowing they can’t play their desired sport this season. A baseball player from Prep told me, “It sucks because it won’t happen, even though I prepared a lot for it.” I received mixed responses, including a Central track runner who said, “I honestly couldn’t care less because I enjoy track and all, but it’s nice getting a break to just relax at home and do my work.” As a soccer player, I’m sad that I won’t get to play freshman year, but I feel for the seniors who won’t get to play for high school ever again.

track starting line

These athletics also give the athletes a chance to talk to each other and see each other. Without doing spring sports, athletes lack being social which makes them more likely to not stay in shape. Staying in shape is very important during these times, but since everyone is getting their social needs from their cell phones and devices, the athletes get distracted from exercising.

Hopefully the spread of coronavirus ends soon so that athletes can get back to the sport they love playing.

Brynn Ruch
soccer , basketball player that likes hanging with friends :)
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